Awesome Excalidraw Keyboard Shortcuts (With Printable Pdf)

✔︎ Last updated on November 25th, 2023

Using vector programs like Excalidraw can be a bit of a hassle without keyboard shortcuts. Clicking and dragging the mouse to select and draw things can get tiring after a while. What takes the mouse a few seconds to do can be done instantly with a keyboard shortcut.

So, it’s a good idea to learn the keyboard shortcuts for the program you use regularly. To make things easier, here’s a list of all the keyboard shortcuts for Excalidraw for both Windows as well as Mac.

Excalidraw Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

Excalidraw comes with all the built-in hotkeys you’d expect from a whiteboarding program.

You can use the Hand (panning tool) by pressing H, which allows you to move around the canvas effortlessly. The Selection tool, triggered by V or 1, enables you to select objects quickly. Creating various shapes is also a breeze with Excalidraw shortcuts; press R for a Rectangle, O for an Ellipse, and A for an Arrow. The Text tool is accessible with T, perfect for adding annotations or labels. If you need to insert an image, simply press 9. For erasing mistakes, the Eraser is available with E.

Also read: The Ultimate Excalidraw Tutorial for Beginners

Excalidraw also includes hotkeys for essential editing and viewing commands. To edit line or arrow points, use Ctrl + Enter, and to finish editing text, Esc or Ctrl + Enter will do the trick.

You can zoom in and out of your canvas with Ctrl + + and Ctrl + –, respectively. To align objects perfectly, use Ctrl + Shift + followed by the arrow keys. When you need to duplicate an element, Ctrl + D or Alt + drag are your go-to commands. Lastly, to undo or redo an action, Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z are the shortcuts you’ll need.

Lastly, if you forget any of the keyboard shortcuts, you can also pull up this list with the hotkey Shift + /.

👉 The above keyboard shortcuts are for Windows. If you are on a Mac, use Command in place of Ctrl and Option in place of the Alt key. The full list of these keyboard shortcuts is also given below for both Windows as well as Mac, along with a printable PDF.

Excalidraw has divided these keyboard shortcuts into various categories. Here’s a list of them:


ToolPress This
Hand (panning tool)H
SelectionV or 1
RectangleR or 2
DiamondD or 3
EllipseO or 4
ArrowA or 5
LineL or 6
DrawP or 7
TextT or 8
Insert image9
EraserE or 0
Frame toolF
Laser pointerK
Pick a color from the canvasI or Shift + S or Shift + G
Edit line/arrow pointsCtrl + Enter
Edit text / add labelEnter
Pick a color from canvasEnter or Shift + Enter
Finish editing (text editor)Esc or Ctrl + Enter
Curved arrowA + click + click + click
Curved lineL + click + click + click
Add a new line (text editor)Q
Prevent arrow bindingCtrl
Add/ Update link for a selected shapeCtrl + K


To Do ThisPress This
Zoom inCtrl + +
Zoom outCtrl + -
Reset zoomCtrl + 0
Zoom to fit all elementsShift + 1
Zoom to selectionShift + 2
Move page up/downPgUp or PgDn
Move page left/rightShift + PgUp or Shift + PgDn
Move the page up/downF
Zen modeAlt + Z
Snap to objectsAlt + S
Show gridCtrl + '
View modeAlt + R
Toggle themeAlt + Shift + D
Stats for nerdsAlt + /


To Do ThisPress This
Move canvasSpace + drag or Wheel + drag
Reset the canvasCtrl + Delete
CutCtrl + X
CopyCtrl + C
PasteCtrl + V
Paste as plaintextCtrl + Shift + V
Select allCtrl + A
Deep select within the box, and prevent draggingShift + click
Deep selectCtrl + click
Deep select within box, and prevent draggingCtrl + drag
Copy to clipboard as PNGShift + Alt + C
Copy stylesCtrl + Alt + C
Paste stylesCtrl + Alt + V
Send to backCtrl + Shift + [
Bring to frontCtrl + Shift + ]
Send backwardCtrl + [
Bring forwardCtrl + ]
Align topCtrl + Shift + Up
Align bottomCtrl + Shift + Down
Align leftCtrl + Shift + Left
Align rightCtrl + Shift + Right
DuplicateCtrl + D or Alt + drag
Lock/unlock selectionCtrl + Shift + L
UndoCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z
Group selectionCtrl + G
Ungroup selectionCtrl + Shift + G
Flip horizontalShift + H
Flip verticalShift + V
Show stroke color pickerS
Show background color pickerG
Decrease font sizeCtrl + Shift + <
Increase font sizeCtrl + Shift + >

Excalidraw Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac


ToolsPress This
Hand (panning tool)H
SelectionV or 1
RectangleR or 2
DiamondD or 3
EllipseO or 4
ArrowA or 5
LineL or 6
DrawP or 7
TextT or 8
Insert image9
EraserE or 0
Frame toolF
Laser pointerK
Add a new line (text editor)I or Shift + S or Shift + G
Edit line/arrow pointsCmd + Enter
Edit text / add labelEnter
Keep the selected tool active after drawingEnter or Shift + Enter
Finish editing (text editor)Esc or Cmd + Enter
Curved arrowA + click + click + click
Curved lineL + click + click + click
Keep selected tool active after drawingQ
Prevent arrow bindingCmd
Add/ Update link for a selected shapeCmd + K


To Do ThisPress This
Zoom inCmd + +
Zoom outCmd + -
Reset zoomCmd + 0
Zoom to fit all elementsShift + 1
Zoom to selectionShift + 2
FullscreenPgUp or PgDn
Move page left/rightShift + PgUp or Shift + PgDn
Full screenF
Zen modeOption + Z
Snap to objectsOption + S
Show gridCmd + '
View modeOption + R
Toggle themeOption + Shift + D
Stats for nerdsOption + /


To Do ThisPress This
Move canvasSpace + drag OR Wheel + drag
Reset the canvasCmd + Delete
CutCmd + X
CopyCmd + C
PasteCmd + V
Paste as plaintextCmd + Shift + V
Select allCmd + A
Deep select within the box, and prevent draggingShift + click
Deep selectCmd + click
Deep select within box, and prevent draggingCmd + drag
Copy to clipboard as PNGShift + Option + C
Copy stylesCmd + Option + C
Paste stylesCmd + Option + V
Send to backCmd + Option + [
Bring to frontCmd + Option + ]
Send backwardCmd + [
Bring forwardCmd + ]
Align topCmd + Shift + Up
Align bottomCmd + Shift + Down
Align leftCmd + Shift + Left
Align rightCmd + Shift + Right
DuplicateCmd + D or Option + drag
Lock/unlock selectionCmd + Shift + L
UndoCmd + Z
RedoCmd + Shift + Z
Group selectionCmd + G
Ungroup selectionCmd + Shift + G
Flip horizontalShift + H
Flip verticalShift + V
Show stroke color pickerS
Show background color pickerG
Decrease font sizeCmd + Shift + <
Increase font sizeCmd + Shift + >

Printable PDF of Excalidraw hotkeys

You can also download these shortcuts in a printable PDF for quick reference:

Wrapping up

Using keyboard shortcuts can make using Excalidraw much faster. The shortcuts allow you to do things with a couple of key presses instead of clicking around with the mouse. This saves a lot of time and effort.

This article listed many useful Excalidraw shortcuts for both Windows and Mac computers. Things like zooming in and out, copying, pasting, and aligning objects can all be done using the keyboard within a second. The printable PDF lets you print out the shortcuts to keep next to your computer.

Also, remember that you can’t learn all the shortcuts but it’s worth learning some of the major ones. With some practice, you can use Excalidraw much faster using the keyboard. Refer back to the lists here and in the PDF to start using shortcuts for your diagrams and drawings. It will speed up your work and allow you to get more done.

I hope the pdf file containing the Excalidraw Keyboard shortcuts helped you in some way. If it did, don’t forget to share that with others.

Thanks for reading.

Further reading on Excalidraw:

  1. 17+ Awesome Excalidraw Tips for Insane Productivity
  2. Creating Hand-drawn Flowcharts with ChatGPT and Excalidraw
  3. How to Set an Aspect Ratio in Excalidraw?