How to Make a Power Button Effect in CSS

✔︎ Last updated on September 29th, 2022

In this article, I will show you (step-by-step) how you can create a power button effect in CSS without using any JavaScript.

At the end of the article, I have also included a Codepen so that you can see my full code in action.

I strongly suggest you follow along with this tutorial. Click here to open a new pen in a new tab.

Let’s begin.

Basic Setup

How to Make a Power Button Effect in CSS

In this power button, there are three elements —

  1. The outer ring, which is a div with class of button
  2. Inner ring, which is a pseudo-element i.e. .button::before
  3. A vertical bar, which is a div with the class of bar

So, this is our entire HTML code for this project —

<div class="button">
    <div class="bar"></div>

Now, let’s style these elements using CSS.

Design the outer ring

I will first design the button (outer ring). In designing this ring, I want the following —

  1. It should be a circle
  2. It should have a shadow (to give it a 3-d effect)

This will be our CSS code for this purpose —

.button {
    /* 	design the outer circle */
    width: 150px;
    height: 150px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
    box-shadow: 0 0 5px 0px #888;

This is our output —

How to Make a Power Button Effect in CSS

Design the inner ring

Now, let’s style the inner ring (.button::before) element. I want this ring to have the following properties —

  1. It should have half the size of its parent i.e. half the width and height of the .button element.
  2. It should be a circle.
  3. It should be concentric with the outer ring.
  4. It should have a border of 10px.

This will be my code —

.button::before {
    /* pseudo-elements don't appear unless content property is declared */
    content: "";

    /* design the element */
    width: 50%;
    height: 50%;
    border-radius: 50%;
    border: 10px solid #eee;

And this is our output —

How to Make a Power Button Effect in CSS


Do you see a grey-colored smudge on the top-left side of this circle? That’s our .button::before element. But why is it only a blob when we have explicitly set a width and height of 50% on it?

That’s because, by default, pseudo-elements occupy only the space required by their contents. Even if you set their width and height in pixels, they take up only the space required.

To explicitly set the width and height of pseudo-elements, we must set their position as absolute.

Let’s do that —

.button::before {
    /* write code so far here */

    position: absolute;

This is our output —

How to Make a Power Button Effect in CSS

Ahem! We succeeded in setting the size but there is a problem. When we defined its width and height as 50%, we didn’t tell the browser 50% of what!

By default, when we don’t tell the browser relative to what, it makes the body element as the reference point.

So, the size of this pseudo-element is set by the browser at 50% of the body. We don’t want that.

We want it to have a size of 50% relative to its parent i.e. .button element. So we must set position:relative on .button element.

.button {
    /* write code so far here */

    position: relative;

This is our output —

How to Make a Power Button Effect in CSS

Much better. But do you see the problem?

It’s not concentric with the outer ring (.button element).

We can fix that by using a simple hack using the grid. On the parent .button element, we can define these two properties —

.button {
    /* write code so far here */
    /* center the child elements */
    display: grid;
    place-items: center;
How to Make a Power Button Effect in CSS

Now, let’s focus on the vertical bar element.

Design the vertical bar

I have written the following code to style the .bar element —

.bar {
    height: 30%;
    width: 10px;
    background: #eee;
    border-radius: 10px; /* for rounded ends */

This is our output —

Power Button Effect in CSS - Designing the vertical bar

Let’s shift this element up a little bit.

.bar {
    /* write code so far here */

    position: absolute; 
    top: 20px;
Power Button Effect in CSS - shifting the vertical bar up

There’s only one thing left to do. We have to make an opening in the inner ring.

We can do that by giving a white colored box-shadow to the .bar element.

.bar {
    /* write code so far here */

    box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px white;
Power Button Effect in CSS - creating an opening in the inner ring

Great. Now that we have positioned elements where they have to be, let’s add some interactivity to them.

Make the button interactive

Right now, when I hover this button, it doesn’t give any feedback to the user. It doesn’t let the user know that the button is clickable.

Let’s change our cursor to a pointer whenever we hover the .button element.

.button:hover {
    cursor: pointer;

Next, when I click on the button, I want the following —

  • The shadow that sits outside the .button should be set inset (to make it look like it is being pressed).
  • Both the inner elements (ring and the bar) should light up green.

The following lines of code can help me achieve that —


.button:active {
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0px #888 inset;

.button:active .bar {
    background: lightgreen;

.button:active::before {
    border-color: lightgreen;

This is our output —

How to Make a Power Button Effect in CSS

Here’s the codepen block for you to see the entire code (and fork it to improve) —

See the Pen Power-button in Pure CSS by Gauri Shanker (@Gsbansal) on CodePen.

I hope you liked this tutorial. If you did, please share it with your friends on Twitter and Facebook.

Did I miss something or would you do something different in this tutorial? Please drop a line below and let me know.

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